Tuesday, January 30, 2018

New Hope for A US-UK FTA

New Trade Deals, Daily Signal, January 30, 2018. "The president’s call for new trade deals that are fair and reciprocal, and that protect American workers and American intellectual property, bode well for a ground-breaking free trade area agreement between the U.S. and Britain."

Another Impending UN Misfire

Beware: The United Nations Is Taking Aim at Ammo, Fox News, January 30, 2018. "The United Nations will have a busy year in 2018 on the firearms front. That’s not good news for anyone in the U.S. who buys firearms. When it comes to the U.N. and guns, the best form of action is always inaction."

What Trump Got Right and Wrong

Trump’s Hits and Misses, Newsday, January 30, 2018. "Despite the incessant media uproar — some of it caused by the man himself — President Donald Trump hasn’t been the disaster his opponents expected. In both policy and process, his successes mirror his failures."

A US-UK FTA, Closer Than Ever

New Trade Deals, Daily Signal, January 30, 2018. "The president’s call for new trade deals that are fair and reciprocal, and that protect American workers and American intellectual property, bode well for a ground-breaking free trade area agreement between the U.S. and Britain."

What's Up For Guns in 2018

It Could Be A Great Year for America’s Gun Owners. And for Gun-Makers, Too, Daily Signal, January 30, 2018. "One of the nation’s largest gatherings of gun owners, hunters, and sports shooters was bigger and better than ever, and again set the tone for the year in firearms—and for the people who love and work in the industry. In previous years, the tone at the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show, known as the SHOT Show, had been buoyant but concerned. Buoyant because in the years after 2009, fears about what President Barack Obama would do drove gun sales to unprecedented heights. Concerned because—well, it’s never pleasant to know that the man in the White House doesn’t like you."

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Spot the Radical

Who’s the Radical, Trump or Obama?, Newsday, January 14, 2018. "In assessments of President Donald Trump’s first year in office, a common theme among commentators has been that he falls outside the American political mainstream. In some ways, that’s true. But in most ways, he’s been traditional. It was his predecessor, Barack Obama, who was the radical."

Thursday, January 11, 2018

NYT, Wrong Again

New York Times Gets the Facts Wrong on Land Mines, Daily Signal, January 11, 2018. "Every year, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines publishes a report on the number of casualties caused by land mines—or so it says. And every year, gullible journalists take the report’s headline figure at face value. But this year, the worst offender is a particularly prestigious outlet: The New York Times, whose editorial board authored a column titled “Why Do Land Mines Still Kill So Many?”"

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The EU's Data Protection Regulations

The U.S. Must Draw a Line on the EU’s Data-Protection Imperialism, Heritage Foundation Backgrounder #3276, January 9, 2018. "On May 25, 2018, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force. Described by the European Commission as a measure to strengthen individual rights in the digital age and facilitate business, the GDPR embodies and expands the EU’s effort to apply its data-protection standards to governments and private enterprise inside and outside the EU. Together with an EU directive governing the processing of personal information by government authorities, the GDRP will mark the beginning of another phase in a long-running struggle between the U.S. and the EU over the handling of individual data by U.S. corporations and the U.S. government."