Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A European Industrial Policy Is Bad News for the U.S.

The U.S. Should Oppose the EU’s Turn Toward Industrial Policy, Heritage Foundation Issue Brief #5004, September 24, 2019. "The EU is moving towards the adoption of an industrial policy that, while aimed primarily at the People’s Republic of China, is also motivated by resentment of the United States. Industrial policy is the wrong tool for addressing the problems posed by China’s rise, and the European support for the creation of so-called “European champions” in industry is deeply hypocritical. The U.S. must vigorously oppose the EU’s turn toward industrial policy and must emphasize that what the U.S. and the EU need are higher levels of economic growth, the prospects for which will only be damaged if the EU pursues industrial policies that damage its economy and further alienate the United States."

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What The U.S. Should Do About Interpol, 2019 Edition

Key Goals for the U.S. at the 2019 Meeting of the Interpol General Assembly, Heritage Foundation Issue Brief #5002, September 18, 2019. "The annual meeting of the Interpol General Assembly to be held in October 2019 in Chile offers a vital opportunity for Interpol, and its democratic member nations, to put meaningful—and necessary—reforms in motion. The U.S. should work with other democratic nations to form a democratic caucus within Interpol in order to stem the abuse by authoritarian regimes in Interpol by ensuring that Interpol leadership is entrusted to the democracies and by bringing accountability to its operations. As Interpol revises its rules, it is essential that the U.S. and other democracies play a leading role in increasing the transparency of Interpol’s work and ensure that these revisions do not create or legitimate new opportunities to abuse Interpol for political purposes."