Friday, August 31, 2018

The ATT Circus Leaves Town

The Annual Arms Trade Treaty Conference Sputters to a Close, Forbes, August 31, 2018. "The Conference of States Parties (CSP) to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) closed on Friday in Tokyo. This circus will come to town in Geneva again next August, but I can’t believe anyone is eager for the big top to re-open. Of all the ATT meetings I have attended since 2012, this was by far the least consequential."

A Gilded Waste of Space

This Arms Treaty Is a Pathetic Waste of US Cash. We Should Pull Out, Daily Signal, August 31, 2018. "If you were debating the arms trade, what would you want to talk about? Iran’s support for the Houthi rebels in Yemen? China’s sale of arms in Africa? How guns flow from Libya to ISIS? No, that’s boring. How about debating which bureaucrat should control the travel stipends to attend the debate? That’s the good stuff."

Friday, August 24, 2018

It's Not Just Asian-Americans . . . .

Base College Entry on Credentials, Newsday, August 24, 2018. "This month, millions of students will head to college. But some — including many Asian-Americans — won’t be going where they wanted to. A lawsuit against Harvard University has the potential to change that, and to expose one of the ways colleges discriminate against the best and brightest."

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

ATT Reporting Goes Down, Down, Down

he Failure of Conventional Arms Reporting Under the Arms Trade Treaty,, Forbes, August 22, 2018. "I’m in Tokyo this week attending the fourth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Over the years I’ve written at length on the ATT, which was adopted as the result of a campaign by what is politely called “civil society” — in other words progressive NGOs — who were frustrated by the failure of all the other institutions focused on conventional arm to get them where they wanted to go."

What, We're Still Paying In To The ATT?

This Treaty Takes U.S. Money While Repeatedly Attacking Us, Daily Signal, August 22, 2018. "Nations who are party to the Arms Trade Treaty are holding their fourth annual meeting this week in Tokyo, Japan. I’m attending the meeting as a representative of The Heritage Foundation. Supposedly, the purpose of the treaty is to apply humanitarian standards to the international arms trade. Actually, the treaty is a pointless talking shop and a box-checking exercise, with a generous dash of blame America first and a little spice added by the gun control supporters who cluster on its periphery."

Friday, August 10, 2018

Russia Reset, Take Four

What’s Vladimir Putin’s Next Play?, Newsday, August 10, 2018. "There’s no shortage of comment on Trump’s policies, but we hear a lot less about Putin’s. That’s a pity, because we can’t judge our policies without reference to what he’s doing."