Thursday, March 18, 2010

The U.S.-Australia Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty

Now Is the Time to Seek Ratification of the U.S.-Australia Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty, Heritage Foundation WebMemo #2836, March 18, 2010. "The U.S.–Australia Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty, like its U.S.–U.K. counterpart, is in the American interest. . . . The ball is now where it has been since 2007: in the Administration’s court. With the President’s postponement of his previously announced visit to Australia, it is all the more important for his Administration to demonstrate its commitment to the U.S.–Australia partnership. The energy with which it pursues this opportunity of closer defense ties with Australia and the U.K. will speak to its commitment to defense procurement reform, sensible export promotion, and firmer ties with America’s closest allies."

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