Monday, March 25, 2013

The Unacceptable Knowledge Standard In The ATT

The Arms Trade Treaty, Week 2: The Treaty Is Getting Worse, Heritage Foundation Foundry, March 25, 2013. "The most important change in the draft treaty is a major defeat for the U.S. As I foreshadowed in my report on Thursday, the draft now relies on a “knowledge” standard—i.e., before the U.S. sells conventional arms, it is supposed to assess whether it has “knowledge” that they will be used to commit human rights violations. This standard would be used to criticize U.S. sales retrospectively and would be the basis of investigations by the U.N. on the argument that, even if the U.S. did not in fact know about impending violations, it should have known. This standard is completely unacceptable and by itself demands a U.S. rejection of the treaty."

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