Friday, February 26, 2016

The Problem Isn't Us, It's Them

Review of Phil Haun, Coercion, Survival, and War: Why Weak States Resist the United States (Stanford University Press, 2015), Cercles, February 25, 2016. "The United States is the greatest power in the world. Why, therefore, doesn’t it simply threaten its enemies until they give it what it wants? After all, provided that what the U.S. demands is less costly for its adversary than fighting, and likely losing, a war, the U.S.’s adversaries should always, if they are rational, submit rather than fight. But yet, on occasion, U.S. demands are indeed resisted, sometimes successfully. That failure of coercion is the paradox that Phil Haun, adjunct Professor of Aerospace Studies at Yale University, and a former A-10 pilot for the U.S. Air Force, sets out to explain."

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