Friday, August 28, 2009

Example #1: Why the U.N.'s Arms Trade Treaty is a Bad Idea

The U.N.'s Arms Trade Treaty and Sanctions On Iran, Heritage Foundation Foundry, August 28, 2009. "Earlier this week, the Heritage Foundation published a lengthy study of the U.N.’s proposed Arms Trade Treaty. The study details numerous problems inherent in this proposal, which is now being considered by a New York-based working group. The campaign behind the treaty is based on faulty premises, and the treaty, if brought into being as currently projected, will facilitate, not curb, the illegal arms trade, while at the same time posing a danger to the Second Amendment, to the ability of the U.S. to resist tyranny around the world, and to U.S. export controls. In a fine article posted on Real Clear World, Michael Jacobson, a senior fellow in The Washington Institute’s Stein Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence and a former senior advisor in the Treasury Department’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, explains part of what is at stake."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Messrs Bromund and Jacobsen would do well to check their facts. The Arms Trade treaty has absolutely nothing to do with civilian possession of arms. This has been stated publicly several times by the UK and other govs. Even the NRA albeit reluctantly have begun to accept that this is the case. The failure to regulate the international arms trade effectively and to establish proper export controls in all exporting countries (Something USG has been urging for decades) has led to the sort of situation faced on a daily basis by our men and women on the frontline ie ever better armed insurgents.
Those who want to follow the debate more closely can visit the UK Gov website on ATT at
John Duncan UK ambassador for Multilateral Arms Control